Monday 11 August 2014

Stairs Modelled

I have very quickly modelled up my designs my stairs in sketch-up to see how they look. It was quite clear when they were imported into my overall design which one worked and which didn't..

With my first design, I wanted to add some more detail to the staircase whilst trying to maintain that minimalist look. However it did not turn out like that. When it was imported into my overall baseball concept design, it stood out like a sore thumb. I have a lot of right angles throughout my design, and then adding something that had arched edges not to mention that it is a floating staircase. It did not work at all, and hence I went back to the drawing board as I did not want it decreasing the aesthetic of the overall store.

I have decided to remove the curved stairs and resort back to the more traditional square shape. However the inclusion of the extra 'decoration' of the stairs going through each other was still not working so I decided to remove it all together. 

Like I mentioned in my previous posts in which I was looking at precedent staircases, I said that I would most likely use this style within my own design, and in the end I have. Due to the positioning of the staircase to create more space for the rest of the store, it has to be a floating staircase as it is above the staircase that goes down into dugout for try on. I feel that this design best portrays the aesthetic that I have throughout my store.

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