Tuesday 12 August 2014

Adding Railing - Shelving Area

Something that I said that my model needed when looking at the progress to date images on the previous post, was that my model needed some sort of railing in the shelving area above the 'dugout' for safety reasons. Due to the fact that it is nearly a 1m drop to the floor below, and more if one was to fall onto the stairs, I thought it was essential to put this rail in. I decided to make it 900mm in height in order to make sure that all customers would be safe and that it wasn't too low that someone could still fall over it. I thought about making it out of chicken wire like my fencing, and to be honest I still am, however it may not be safe enough I feel. If I have enough time I may try and research into this..

Below are a few images of the railing incorporated into my design:

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