Thursday 7 August 2014

Designing Potential Display Shelves

So as I am designing the front entrance to my store, I realised that I would need some interesting displays in order to help attract attention to the shoes whilst in the front shop window. Window shopping is such a part of society today that having a strong, good looking front window will greatly increase one's customer levels within the store. I am not too sure about these shelf display ideas, and I honestly have no idea what was with the x's I think it was to do with the recessed form made from a square? Any who, these are what I have at the moment, I will most likely go back and rethink these later down the track.

This one I have gone waaaay overboard on the x's I'm not really sure what I was really thinking to be honest..

This design is slightly better and not so mental as the x's have been limited to only three and then the recessed one on the top of the shelf. 

This design is a lot nicer I think, it is a lot more simplistic and not so overpowering like the others.

This isn't too bad, but again I think that there is too much going on and that it will completely distract from the shoe. To be honest, if I saw a shoe in this or one of the other designs I have done, I may be put off especially if it is a store that I am unfamiliar with.

I will definitely need to go back to the drawing board at some stage to redesign these display shelves. I will need to come up with a common theme that I use throughout my store and my shelves in order to create some consistency from the exterior through to the interior of my store.

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