Thursday 7 August 2014

Recessed Furniture Precedents

Due to the fact that my spatial generator word is recess, I have begun to research into furniture that is recessed into the floor. I am interested in this idea due to the fact that it increases the amount of space that I have to work with, but also, being down in the ground slightly while trying shoes on would hopefully then become more of an experience. I will be able to play with lighting in the 'pit' to help my overall retail store meet the briefs specifications of portraying the terms of Ihi and Wehi.

As you can see, these are not complicated but they are very effective in both aesthetic and optimising space. As much as I want to, I will not be able to incorporate a circular recessed 'pit' due to the limited space within the premises I have to work with. Because it is a retail store and there would hopefully be a few people in there at once, I will need to incorporate a couple of staircases so customers will be able to get in from multiple access points.

This is my favourite, the lighting used in the recessed space creates a strong aesthetic and mood simply by running a cyan l.e.d light around the bottom. Just moving into that space and into the change in lighting creates an experience in its own right. I want to design something like this which will draw my customers in.

The next step is to start modelling up some ideas for my recessed furniture and see if they would be viable..

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