Wednesday 13 August 2014

Redesigning my Railing

I have decided to redesign my glass railing on top of the 'dugouts' in order to firstly get all of the beams white and secondly to get rid of some of the beams by using larger panes of glass. This has a lot cleaner finish and meets my aesthetic nicer. It is now not so blocky and it will allow more light to the upper levels.

I have done a few perspective renders in order to see the before and after of my railing redesign. Unfortunately due to time constraints, they are not full renders as there is still a lot of 'bounce' in the renders.

In these two renders I have experimented with changing the wall texture. Looking that these images more closely after I rendered them I realised that I needed to change some settings in Indigo's rendering settings in order to get rid of the shadow cast by the glass.  

Redesigned railing. As you can see, I have removed over half of the beams supporting the individual panes of glass in exchange for larger panes. In modelling it I have also taken extra time to construct it better and painting both faces on each element in order to get the white finish I was after. Disregard the coloured shoe boxes, that was simply an experiment that I will not be progressing with any further which is clear in the second image where the shoe boxes are back to white..

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