Friday 25 July 2014

Wellington Archives

So my task for the glass was to head down to the Wellington Archives and see if I can source some building plans of our site - 128 Tory Street. I have been with in liason with Shirin there, and with consultation with Ant, we cut the list of documents to view from twelve to two. The two documents I have looked at and pulled information out of are:

  • The original drawings of the site back in 1906
  • The earthquake strengthening permit that was conducted in 2011
Unfortunately there was not a lot of information that would be relevant to our project so I have had to cull it to the following drawings that I have copied for the class:

Original Drawings 1906:
I'm not really sure what this is a drawing of due to the fact that there were not annotations or dimensions within these drawings.. However I would presume that this may be a potential facade/veranda over the footpath due to the decline of the drawing. This would correlate to the steady decline of Tory Street.

Long section of the premises. 
Potential cross sectional elevation?

Second floor plan.

First floor plan.

Earthquake Strengthening Permit 2011:

Summary of strengthening - drawing of the structural beams within the premises,
Location plan and existing roof plan. 1:500 and 1:100 scales respectively, 
Existing ground and first floor plans. 1:100 
Existing sections focused on the structure of the building.
Proposed ground and first floor structural plans.
*See key for more information
Proposed roof plan. Parapet strengthening
*See key for more information

Proposed sectional strengthening.
*See key for more information

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